How Kendrick Lamar Kickstarted a Conversation
For a number of years, I’ve noticed that the few remaining monoculture events in existence often attract harsh criticism: awards shows, parades, and, yes, the Super Bowl Halftime Show…Especially Kendrick Lamar’s halftime show.
Case in point, this Facebook post from within the dance education industry:
The comments were majority equally dismissive.
They missed the story.
They missed the questions.
They missed the conversation.
They missed the opportunity for betterment and connectivity.
They missed the humanity.
Presumably, all because Kendrick’s art didn’t reflect their art.
Of course, art will not be loved by all BUT the possibility of a message and the conversation that could follow is what makes great art intentional .
I wonder:
Why is it so easy for us to tear down the art of others instead of imploring it with curiosity?
I’ve seen it happen multiple times.
Last month, I was at the brilliantly conceived revival of Sunset Blvd. on Broadway.
My neighbor couldn’t stop talking about how offended he was that the theatre decided to integrate film into the production ; yet, this incredible, logistically complicated feat was something that enriched the story and modernized it in a very relatable way.
Last summer, I staged a 30-minute performance in Rome that combined song, dance, and spoken word. The concept highlighted the buried stories of impactful women in ancient Rome. We considered how their stories can become our stories…if we listen.
But, in a sea of typical, non-narrative dance routines people looked at us like we were crazy. I’ve gotten somewhat used to it over the years, but I’m always a little disheartened that shifts from the norm are generally met with confusion over excitement.
Now, here is why this all matters:
Vision beyond groupthink is often slow.
Layered thoughts are only discovered by those willing to look.
If we only create what already exists, we risk never creating anything new.
If you are an artist, I encourage you to be the outlier.
Yes, art can entertain.
But, art can also teach, capture, and create conversation .
The most meaningful art can do all 4 things.
In my practice, I will always choose to move the needle:
I will choreograph the story that needs to be told in whatever medium best delivers the story.
I will generate conversation and relativity that applies to humanity.
I will tell stories through my lens of experience.
I will gain a deeper understanding of humanity through listening and learning from others’ experiences.
If we allow ourselves to only appreciate art as we comfortably know it, we risk losing out on the next potential piece of art that might inspire or change someone’s life.
Thank you, Kendrick Lamar, for helping me feel a little less alone as an outlier.
Let’s keep pushing the visions, moving the needles, and kickstarting the conversations.