The Bold Stage
Check here for random thoughts and musings that feel relevant. Some may call it controversial; I call it conversational. Think of it as my random journal to the world.

Burnt Toast: The Reality of Decision Fatigue in 2021
This photo shows my toast from February 2021. It wasn't my first round of toast from that morning. This was the THIRD set I burned in a 15 minute period.

There’s No Business Like Baby Business
A dancer since the age of 2, the performing arts have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Nothing gets your adrenaline going like performing on stage, running a performing arts based business, and directing and choreographing performances, except for maybe, my latest and greatest role to date… that of being a mom.

Move The Needle: World of Dance Edition
Discovering this graphic on the internet last night really jacked me up because: (1) it is an untrue and highly inaccurate representation of the dance studio industry and (2) it was displayed on the homepage of the new franchise facing page of the World of Dance Studios.

The Right Way to Win
Throughout Covid-19, I've gotten a number of text messages, emails, and notes saying "Wow, so and so should really read Trash The Trophies."

A Tale of 2.5 Haircuts
As I've gotten older, I've become more aware (albeit less concerned) about others' opinions, but I can't help wondering about the universal experience surrounding women and hair... A quick Google search shows that it is a widespread topic.